Our team members have extensive experience in key management roles, with business careers spanning from fifteen to over forty years. We have served as CEO, CFO, COO, and as advisors to and members of boards of directors. Beacon Partners has also provided assistance in financing and refinancing businesses, and in the sale or acquisition of entire companies or their subsidiaries. Members of our firm have worked in many industries and markets including: manufacturing, distribution, retail services, communications, consumer products, technology, banking, and transportation.
What makes us special?We take pride in our relationships, and our clients benefit. Beacon Partners is unique in the breadth and depth of its associations—in both public and private sectors. Over the past 28 years, we have worked with numerous private equity funds, venture funds, angel investors, lenders and other financing sources. We have long experience working with state and local agencies dedicated to growing and maintaining businesses in the region through special incentives, access to training, services, and other programs.
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